Friday, September 28, 2012

Archdiocese of the Internet

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, on this 28th day of September, Anno Domini 2012, formally erects the Diocese of Internet. The seat of the Diocese is established at the site known as What Does the Prayer Really Say?

His Excellency, Archbishop of the Diocese of Internet - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
Vicar General of the Diocese of Internet - Fr. Tim Finigan
Chancellor of the Diocese of Internet - Fr. Ray Blake

Secretary to the Bishop - (who should I put here? Supertradmum?)
Secretary to the Vicar General - Mac McLernon
Secretary to the Chancellor - Laurence England

Archdiocesan Spokesperson - Thomas Peters
Archdiocesan Canon Lawyer - Dr. Ed Peters
Archdiocesan Commentator/Comedian - The Curt Jester.
Archdiocesan Liturgist - Deacon John Giglio

Religious Vocations Contact - Fr. Michael Mary, FSSR (Redemptorists)

Archdiocesan Newspapers  -

Rorate Caeli
New Liturgical Movement

May God Bless the new diocese and may it bring many souls into the harbor of salvation.

*this is not intended to be serious*

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